Ms. Leslie Jaramillo » Welcome Letter & Open House

Welcome Letter & Open House

Dear parents.


Can you believe it? Another school year is upon us! We have been in our classrooms preparing materials for the year, but we love this part almost as much as having our classroom full of children. We know this year is truly going to be something special. Why? We want to teach our students to “ Be Brave”. We believe in the student’s growth and potential, and new beginnings. Helping bring each other together to accomplish success! We also want the students to know how much we really care about you at The Leadership Academy. You are the reason we come to work every day. You matter to each and every one of us. When you come to campus we hope that you leave our building knowing how special you are and just how much potential you hold. 


To the parents you are just as important. Without you we will not reach our full potential as a school. We value you and your opinions. We look to you as partners in your child’s education. We are excited to work with you and be a place where you are welcome any time. We know this is a team effort. We know this will take an entire community to take part in the exciting upcoming school year.


We look forward to meeting you at Meet the teacher morning on August 14th, from 9-10 a.m. This school year is filled with unlimited potential and we are ready to meet the challenges head on!


We wanted to let you know a little about ourselves so you can become more familiar with our background and hopefully make you feel more comfortable with us guiding your children to reach their potential this year!


Welcome to the new school year! My name is Leslie Jaramillo, and I have been with The Leadership Academy for three years. This will be my fourth year in the Lower Elementary Program. I am excited to work with your children and help them achieve their goals. I currently have a degree in Criminal Justice, and a minor in Forensic Science, and a Montessori Lower Elementary certificate. I have worked with all ages including Pre-primary/Primary, and Lower/Upper Elementary students. I love Montessori, and enjoy all the materials, and helping my students grow/learn every day. One of my favorite quotes of Maria Montessori is “The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.” My hobbies include, playing soccer, fishing, and traveling. I played soccer most of my life, and also played throughout college. I’ve been playing soccer since I was five years old. I coached for the Tyler League, and enjoy this sport very much! I look forward to getting the year started, and helping your child be successful this school year!


 Hello my name is Marcela Mejia and I’m proud to be part of the Leadership Academy family. This will be my third year at the school as Lower Elementary Guide, before I was the Spanish teacher of the school. I guide first, second, and third grade students in their learning experience.

I love to teach math with hand activities and real applications to my students in our Montessori environment. I have a Bachelor's of Science in Civil Engineering from National University of Colombia, and a Montessori Lower Elementary Teacher Certificate. My husband, Ricardo and I are from Colombia and moved our family to Tyler 13 years ago. We are proud parents of two beautiful children, Andrea and Santiago. When I am not in the school, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, painting, and traveling. I like traveling around the world, learning about all different cultures and customs. I look forward to being a significant person in your child's education.


See y’all at the open house for 407.


Have a great week!





Ms. Jaramillo and Mrs.Mejia.


August 19th: First Day of School