Laura Dean » Welcome Letter

Welcome Letter

Welcome to Mrs. Dean’s and Ms. Fry’s classroom! 

Dear Parents,

Guides (teachers) are finally back in the CLASSROOM!!!  We cannot wait for our first day.  I am sure you have questions and wanted to address as many as possible now.  Please feel free to email us for any questions left unanswered.


School Supplies:

  • PLEASE send a refillable water bottle your child can have at their desk during the day while working and outside when it is hot. We will not be able to use our classroom water fountain.



  • Every two weeks your child will have a presentation to give to the class.  These will start Friday’s.  This assignment is to be completed at home so they may need your help locating a book for research. The topic will be something we have covered in cultural arts. I suggest they read a book and pick out their favorite facts, etc.  then write key-words on a notecard for the presentation, and practice, practice, practice! This can be done on their own in front of a mirror, in the car while you are driving, etc.  A visual aid is always a plus, but again this is something they can do on their free time at home.  These presentations are a fantastic way to help your children gain oral presentation skills as well as it helps build their confidence.  I will record these and send them to you.  Once COVID ends you will be welcome to come watch!



  • Montessori does not have homework.  However, research suggests every child should read for 20 minutes a day. As a momma with older children I encourage you to enjoy this time, this time passes quickly!  Curl up with a blanket and your child.  Ask them questions, i.e. what would you do if this happened to you, what do you think about this, etc.  Enjoy this time, it is fleeting!
  • Practicing math facts with flashcards or on your phone app is always beneficial.   Again this should not take up a lot of time.  Make it a habit on the way home from school or to soccer practice your child practices his/her facts. 
  • If your child falls behind on this contract work we will be sending what we can to work on at home or we will brainstorm other ideas.
  • Presentations.  See above.



Take Home Folders:

  • A folder will go home daily with notes from the office and information from us.  Please, get in the habit of having your child bring the folder to you daily and have him/her bring it back to school each morning.



  • Work will be sent home every Friday.  However the work your child deems “his/her best work” will be kept in a portfolio.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s work please schedule a conference.

School Rules/Policies:

  • Arrival: The classroom opens at 7:20.The work period is to begin at 7:40 AM and it is important that the children have this time uninterrupted.  When children arrive late, it often causes an interruption in the classroom, they miss the morning meeting, quiet time and brain gym. We ask that your child’s appointments are scheduled in the afternoon.
  • Uniforms: Student uniform policies can be found in the student handbook. Uniforms are to be worn daily. Wednesdays students are permitted to wear a school t-shirt along with uniform bottoms. If we have days that are free dress, we will let you know!
  • Car Pool: AM Carpool: This year there will only be one line of cars during morning carpool. Please roll down your child’s window, a staff member will take your child’s temperature while still in the car.  If it is 100.00 or higher he/she will be asked to go home to ensure illnesses are not passed around campus.  If your child does not have a fever another staff member (not the one taking your child’s temp) will get your child out of the car.  Your child will then enter the school and quickly walk to their classroom.  We will have several staff members stationed in the hall to ensure students go directly to class.  

PM Carpool: Please be patient.  All students will wait in their classrooms instead of waiting in the hall.  This will take a little longer for students to get to the front of school.


Classroom Expectations:

  • Work Ethic: Students are expected to work hard daily. They will have weekly work-plans in which will guide students on what work they will be working with. It is up to each child to complete their own work-plan. We will never put more than your child is capable of completing on their work-plan.
  • Chores: Students will each have a classroom chore. These chores will be switched out every month and are a wonderful way to help your child foster independence and a sense of responsibility and belonging in the classroom.
  • Conflicts: As guides and parents, it is our responsibility to teach children the important skill of conflict-resolution. If a conflict arises within the classroom, children will first be asked to resolve the conflict on their own using the “peace flower” method that we will cover extensively the first two weeks of school. If a peaceful resolution cannot be found we will intervene and guide the conversation.
  • Consequences: As each child has a different personality, it can often be difficult to find consequences that seem fair to apply to everyone in circumstances that warrant them. Please note that we do not take away any recess or outdoor time from your child as we believe that this time is so important to them. Possible consequences your child may have include:
    1. Redirection
    2. Time in the peace area
    3. Having privileges taken away
    4. Writing a letter home about behavior

If a letter comes home please sign it and have your child bring it back to school.  This letter signifies your child has had 4 warnings in the classroom.  Please talk with your child about his/her behavior at this time.  If your child says he/she got his name in the “book” this is the warning.  Name and three checks (three other warnings) denotes the letter coming home.  If the letter is not returned by Friday your child will not participate in the Friday activity.


  • Lunch: We do not have a cafeteria on campus. Students are expected to pack their own, nutritious lunches each day. We will be discussing this first week of school what a nutritious lunch consists of and the importance of them packing it themselves.  We do NOT have silverware at school.



  • Email: [email protected] [email protected] 
  • Phone Call: 903-561-1002 Laura’s Cell 903.283.0553
  • Remind: We will be using the Remind app to communicate classroom events, important dates, and share pictures of your child’s day. Please join by texting 81810 the message @ak8e8eb 
  • Seesaw Please join using this link I am excited to share our classroom learning with you through the app Seesaw! Here are some tips to help you: This app will be our distance learning platform.  You will receive when new items are added to your child’s journal in Seesaw.  Please check regularly to see new learning happening and to find important information about our classroom.  Make comments on your child’s posts- they will see them and it means so much to them when someone comments.  In a group or “everyone” post, everyone tagged will be able to see your comments. Please join using this link 


If you made it this far, congrats!  Your child will benefit from you being informed as possible this year!  Thank you for sharing your children with us!


Mrs. Dean and Ms. Fry